Curriculum based on studies and advancements in psychology, neurology,

physiology, technology, ecology, and sociology.
Courses taught by Dr. Roberts, industry experts, and distinguished guest.

Ignite Acuity Academy

A white building with columns and leaves on the ground.

The ever-changing landscape of education management requires a new and robust focus on customized lectures and the way they are delivered. Imperatives surrounding human brain development are now on the forefront of key initiatives sponsored by renown psychologist and behavioralist around the world. The time is now to focus on human brain development and procedures to sustain brain performance.

Lectures are scheduled to begin Q123 and continue ever quarter for the rest of the year. Dr. Kenneth Roberts will moderate each lecture with supporting staff with invited guest to the platform. This experience will be insightful, provide a litany of information on cognitive and behavioral breakthroughs and current research.

These sessions showcase knowledge management initiatives from Ph.D.’s, MD’s, PsyD’s, and academic researchers specializing in the field of brain development and neurosciences. By enhancing the way we think about human brain development, humans can confidently shape the future of workflow management, design thinking, deductive reasoning, collaborative techniques, and performance management strategies with advancing technologies.

Future announcements regarding the first lecture coming soon!

The Ignite Acuity Academy plans to offer quarterly online lectures focused on brain develop. In today’s fast-paced techno-centric work environment, humans must improve cognitive and behavioral skills.  Each lecture will focus on mental acuity and the mechanics of how the brain functions, behaves, reacts, and adapts to input and stimulation contributing to continuous brain development.

Post enrollment, materials and collateral will be distributed to attendees prior to each lecture enabling them to review key datapoints prior to attending the session. Attendees will receive perspective and validated opinions from scholastic researchers, scientist, medical doctors, cognitive and behavioral specialist, and brain development experts.

All lectures will take place in a metaverse type environment whereby attendees construct an avatar to participate in the session. Through this modality the Academy provides an additional layer of professional development unparalleled in the education and training industry and designed to enable humans to see themselves working even more productively with advancing technologies.

Ignite Acuity, LLC.