Energizing Human Intelligence

Neuroscientific, Cognitive Interventions, Technological Proficiency of
Highly Skilled Techno-centric Workers & More

Techno - Centric Work Environments
Consist of AI-Tech:

Defined as a collection of collaborative intelligence-based technologies also known as AI-Tech. A techno-centric work environment comprises many intelligent and intuitive technologies such as AI, AR, VR, robotics, data analytics, hybrid cloud resources, 5G enablement, animation, simulation, hologram technology, embedded algorithmic systems in manufacturing environments and much more, all designed to interact with each other to create a techno-centric work environment. Many highly skilled workers will work in techno-centric work environments and be tasked to accelerate personal performance and results.

AR Concept: Industrial Engineer Uses Augmented Reality Digital Tablet to Scan Large Metal Construction, Special Effects Show Visualization / Digitalization of Oil, Gas and Fuel Transport Pipeline.


Seeking to integrate AI-tech need to consider the next level of performer accountability. Leveraging smart technologies will require humans to enhance their behavioral and cognitive skill levels. This new creativity, innovation, and design-thinking is essential for humans to play a key role in driving the future of work. Considering how AI-Tech is scalable to accommodate varying organizational structures, decision-makers need to determine the level of complexity needed to address future organizational performance and strategic plans. The future of accelerating worker performance will evolve as AI-tech resources are deployed in the working environment.

Your Future Is Now! Limitless Growth & Support

The rapid advancement of technology has been a major result of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the world has relied more heavily on AI and virtual tools throughout the past year of social distancing and isolation. As the workforce continues its evolution and transformation, not much regard has been given to the potential negative impacts of this rapid technological advancement on humans.

Ignite Acuity, LLC.
Senior Female Chef Engineer Working on Computer, Programming Robot Arm in Bright Modern Industrial Robotics Technology and Design Office. Technologically Advanced Research Facility.

Ignite Acuity, LLC

Aims to bridge this gap by developing interventions to address these possible negative outcomes. Starting this fall, Ignite Acuity will certify administrators around the world to facilitate the distribution of the AICPD Assessment Profiler, a revolutionary assessment instrument designed to assess how highly skilled workers rank designated core competencies deemed essential for success.

Ignite Acuity, LLC will also develop a variety of neuroscientific and cognitive interventions to increase highly skilled workers' behavioral and cognitive resilience factors intended to benefit humans working in fast-paced, techno-centric work environments.

Cognitive Performance Dynamics

CPD is a theory based behavioral orientation process that has been generated for use within highly skilled organizational populations.

Enables workers to further enhance behavioral skills (adapting/excelling in high technocentric work environments).

Robot humanoid use laptop and sit at table for big data analytic using AI thinking brain , artificial intelligence and machine learning process for the 4th fourth industrial revolution . 3D rendering.
Ignite Acuity, LLC.

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