A Revolutionary Assessment Instrument & More


9 essential core competencies for the workforce of the future

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Ignite Acuity, LLC.

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Ignite Acuity, LLC.


When leveraged, AICPD Certification & AICPD Assessment Profiler is a limitless resource that can help build skills and core-competencies required to maximize the use of intelligent technologies. However, time and attention are required to fully realize the improvements when working collaboratively with AI-Tech. If you’re like most organizations, your leadership team is focused on strategic initiatives impacting operational developments. That’s where Ignite Acuity’s Certified Practitioners and Administrators can assist!


Pick your assessment category below

A robot is standing in front of a computer screen.


A robot sitting on top of a table.


A man wearing virtual reality goggles in front of a glass wall.


Two people are looking at a screen with light coming out of it.

State & Federal Agencies

A woman sitting at a table with many computer screens.

Secondary & Post Secondary Scholastic Institutions